
Validation of Construction Data

Free your data, the rest will follow

Today's conversations around Big Data continue to grow. With the ever expanding availability of Business Intelligence programs we are dared to leverage that data more and more every day. It is time we free the data from our software, models and drawings. Tracking status and completion of items across project documents, models and systems has previously been difficult, but no longer.

We will show you how to free your data and use programs like PowerBI and Tableau to analyze and communicate it to team members. We will embed those metrics and dashboards right into any browser so the team will be able to take advantage an integrated experience.

Join us as we explore real examples of using project data from multiple sources to track performance and make corrective action based on simple analytics dashboards. You will learn to ask better questions from your data in order to get the most out of it. When you leave this session you will know why Business Intelligence is "En Vogue".

Start here.