
Project Delivery Alternatives

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    6305 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria, CA 93013
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Understand each of the alternative project delivery methods and how you may incorporate them into your business plan.

For decades, the construction industry drowned in the inefficiencies that resulted from the traditional design-bid-build project delivery model, which was responsible for lost profits, cost overruns, delays, etc. No more. Numerous varying alternative project delivery methods have revolutionized the construction industry allowing for owners, design professionals, and contractors to take advantage of the evolving processes and technological advancements that have vastly increased the efficiency of the construction process. What this means to you - shorter construction schedules, more cost predictability, increased profits, and more collaborative working environments. This topic will help you better understand each of these modern alternative project delivery methods, the benefits and risks of each and how you may incorporate them into your business plan.

Learning Objectives

  • You will be able to discuss the history of project delivery.
  • You will be able to describe alternative project delivery methods.
  • You will be able to review benefits in using alternative project delivery systems.
  • You will be able to recognize form contracts.



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